分子機能解析化学研究室 お問い合わせ お問い合わせ


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著  書  

in ACS Symposium Series, 1077 説明文 説明文

「理工系の基礎化学」  樋上 照男、三浦 弘 共編著、 200頁(2016) 培風館

Characterization of Microbial Poly(ε-L-lysine) and Its Derivatives by Solid-State NMR, in ACS Symposium Series, 1077, NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative Strategies for Complex Macromolecules, Chapt 19, pp 317-335 (2011), ed. by H. N. Cheng, T. Asakura, A. D. English

「科学風土記」 石川県化学教育研究会編、 246頁(1996) 裳華房

「暮らしの化学」 国本 浩喜、 169頁(1996) 裳華房

Further characterization of a catalytically important N...S interaction using 15N and 13C abelled substrate and model.
H. Lee, Y. Ozaki, A. C. Storer, and P. R. Carey, in Raman Spectroscopy - Linear and non-linear, ed. by J. Lascombe and P. V. Houng, 767-768(1982), John Wiley & sons.

Time resolution by transient chromophore creation : defining the scissile bonds in an enzyme-substrate complex to 0.03Å
P. R. Carey, C. P. Huber, H. Lee, Y. Ozaki, and A. C. Storer, in Time-Resolved Vibrational
Spectroscopy, ed. by G. H. Atkinson, 325-330(1983), Academic Press




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